This live
channelling was given in Boston Massachusettes
Lee Carroll |
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often
what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of
communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message
given in Boston.
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Each of you is absolutely unique. If
you could measure Human past experience, you would find that each one is
different in so many ways. You may have the same organs in the same place
biologically, but the filters that you carry into this meeting, this life, are
profoundly diverse.
spoken of this before, but again we say that the bubble of bias that you come
in with shields you from all realities that are not in your bubble. It shields
you from the negative, and it shields you from the positive. Instead of coming
in with a totally open mind, you carry in with you a preset of the way you
think things work. If you're presented, therefore, with something that is not
in your bubble of reality, your analysis is not to allow it. You block it from
even being discussed.
The biggest
preset of all, and the one that exists within most humanity, is the perception
of what's going to happen next. The future, as we have discussed before, is
almost always determined by what humanity has experienced before throughout
history. In other words, nothing new or positive is really expected. Instead,
the past determines what the future will hold, and that's why it's so startling
when humanity sees something really new.
Too Young
to Remember
Dear ones,
this particular channel is being described as The Great Escape. We start by
giving information that was already presented in the seminar today, but the
readers here are not aware of it. We speak of a planet that literally has gone
through such darkness, such trouble, such horror and disappointment that it's
actually biased to expect it to continue. Dear ones, I'll say it again, Humans
don't currently live long enough to remember any of the profundity of it! Your
lifespans are ridiculously short, and you only live a fraction of what you were
designed for. You would have to go to your grandfathers and great grandfathers
and bring them into this discussion to fully understand.
If you
could bring them back now, as we've said before, they would be so very
impressed and happy for you with many of the freedoms that they didn't have, or
for the joy of things that you can do today with each other that was impossible
for them. They would marvel at a "world at peace" without looming
wars or major threats on many sides, even though you don't see it this way at
all. They would also remember the wars, and the dysfunction of what caused
them, and how horrific and sorrowful they were. Through their maturity, they
would clearly see what doesn't work and what does through history and would
never repeat it - ever. But you don't have any of that. So a very
"young" humanity simply tends to repeat the dysfunction and actually
expects it to continue. There is no real senior maturity consciousness that can
actually remember any of it at the core, wise level. You keep repeating the
dysfunction since you don't cognize the past.
consciousness of the past, therefore, becomes the consciousness of the future
in your mind. This all changed in 2012. It's all centered on that which is
astronomical and that which was foretold by the ancients of this planet. This
precession of the equinoxes, which is caused by the 26,000-year wobble of the
planet, is the core of these ancient prophecies. The humanity that has 23
chromosome pairs has actually been through two of these cycles. What did I just
say? I'll explain: The humanity that has 23 chromosome pairs is not like any
other life form here. The ones directly under you in the evolutionary hierarchy
have 24 pairs. You have 23. Your DNA was altered. The 24th pair is actually
there, but we have told you that it hides in a multidimensional way. That's
part of your potential evolution, which is coming.
So, two
cycles of this earth wobble is almost 50,000 years. That's how long your
civilization has worked the puzzle, and some of you have been here through it
all. This is esoteric information. For the doubters in the room, these are
laughable facts. Their bubble is a result of what they were taught, so it's a
closed bubble. So I speak to the ones who resonate and who know that they have
been here before. Dear ones, the darkness that you have seen and the horrors
that you have experienced could fill libraries. There is an awakening coming
that will begin to react to these remembrances.
The Circle
of Time is Shifting
Every one
of you has been each gender. That means all of you have given birth to your
children. All of you have lost children. All of you have been in the
battlefield. All of you have killed another Human Being, and all of this
information and energy is still there in your Akash.
What keeps
all this sorrowful history from repeating again? Science will tell you that
time isn't a straight line, and that it actually exists in a circle. It comes
around, and here it comes again. With this information, no wonder humanity
feels it's stuck in a constant circle of wars. However, in the '80s this all
started to shift, and in that period you called The Cold War there was
consciousness - a certainty - that you would not survive another war on this
planet, and the idea of a peaceful earth started to unravel. The unraveling of
any hope was made worse by your current prophecies of doom around the years
2000 and 2012. However, the year 2000 came and went and the year 2012 came and
went and there was no Armageddon and no extinction of the Human species.
Instead, there was fulfillment of ancient prophecy, and you "passed the
marker" into the new energy. It was a fresh start, and it's the reason
Kryon is here at all.
Drive Perception
Dear ones,
at this time on the planet, you really didn't expect to be here. Everything
within your past expectations said you would be gone by now, and that expectation
is what I want to talk about. That expectation creates a consciousness of the
old doom prophecies that you grew up with. If you ask a Human Being,
"What's next?", they might say, "Well, eventually war. It's
always war." That answer is what we want to talk about now as well.
There are
those who postulate that humanity is in layers of dimensionality, and that
within the old dimensional energy, an earth that was going to go through war
and horror and nuclear exchange is actually still there and going through that.
They say that what happened with the shift is that Earth simply shifted
dimensions and that there are layers of dimensional reality. In other words, in
another dimension, it's still happening the way it was going to happen, but in
this changed dimension where you now sit, it's not.
Kryon, is that accurate?" I can't give you a yes or a no because you don't
know what you're asking. It's like asking, "Do the angels who hold up the
wings of an airplane ever get tired?" You mix and match assumptions of
spirituality and physics into ways that show you have no understanding of the
basics yet. So the question becomes un-answerable. Therefore, my reaction to
the question of the accuracy of the dimensionality question must be this: In
some ways, yes, and in some ways, no.
the Expected
pretend for a moment that it's true and that in another dimension very close to
yours, the earth terminates itself gradually with nuclear war and horror and
all the things that you expected. Let's say it lies right next to this new
layer that you have, this beautiful dimensionality that you have, which has new
energy and no future world war. Instead, it's a dimension that is building a
future that no one has seen before. It's one where, through unexpected wild
cards [major change attributes that are startling], you climb out of an old
consciousness and start to develop and evolve into something higher, where
Humans exist together in new cooperative and compassionate ways.
So, let's
pretend for a moment that the above is the way it works. Then you'd ask,
"Well, can we still feel the other one - the war dimension?" The
answer is indeed! Most of you do, right now! The escape we talk about is
multilayered. The biggest escape, the greatest escape, is from the old
dimension expectation, the one where your earth would be destroyed by war and
go right where it was predicted to go. You escaped the horror of nuclear world
war, and instead you've started on a path that the ancients predicted could
Who were
these ancients? The list of those who still remain is impressive: The Mayans,
the Aztecs, the Toltecs, the Navajo, the Lakota and the ancient Hawaiians. The
list goes on to include dozens and dozens of those who are now extinct.
However, even though they didn't know each other back then, they all talked
about what might happen at the precession of the equinoxes. They said that if
humanity made it without destroying itself, it would reset to a new potential
and evolution would begin to a higher consciousness. It's the prophecy of The Eagle
and the Condor. Indeed, you made it past the December 2012 date, and that date
was scheduled 12 years after the old prediction of the demise of humanity
through nuclear exchange in the year 2000. Now, here you are, but still somehow
"feeling" the dimension that had expected war.
I arrived
in 1989 and started channelling with my partner. This coincided with two events
- The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and, most important, the fall of the Soviet
Union. It also coincided with the beginning of an energy that no one truly
expected, where the Harmonic Convergence information was realized.
There was
indeed a dimensional shift, if you want to say that. But it happened internally
with you, and not on the earth in general. So "the escape" from the
past comes within your new reality, for here you sit in 2017, alive and well,
dealing with puzzles that nobody thought you would need to, because you weren't
expected to be here!
Four other
civilizations of humanity preceded you and destroyed themselves. This has not
yet been realized by historians. However, the Mayan long-count within their old
calendar is based on an average civilization length of 5,125 years. When
archeologists begin going back past 5,000 years, that's when they start to find
very little. When they get to 10,000, they feel that is close to the beginning
of organized society. However, there are discoveries coming that begin to tell
a bigger story - the one about multiple civilizations on the planet with
languages you have never seen. You're going to start finding these things, and
clues to these things, and even ancient technology that could lead to modern
weapons. When you do, you'll know I'm correct. Remember this message, for it
may expand your bubble of belief. Read it again after the discoveries are made.
Then perhaps it will become far more real to you that your civilization, like
none of the others, escaped termination.
The Puzzle:
How to React to the New Energy
The puzzle
that I'm here to tell you about in these years is about this new dimensional
energy - what to expect, how to proceed, the beauty of it, being loved through
it, the help that you have and the new tools for humanity. That's my job as
So the
greatest escape of all is that your civilization made it past 2012. Indeed, you
escaped it, but dear ones, that's just at the basic reality level. The other
layers of escape are just being realized. For some of you, maybe not in this
room or reading this, there is still an old consciousness that really has not
escaped the expected potential at all. Even though horror didn't happen, and
against all logic, many still expect it. So there is no escape from the
perception of a bad future as long as it's still in humanity's bubble of
Basic Fear
- Fear of the Future
The major
layer of this multidimensional shift is fear of the future. How can you have
the reality of what actually happened and still expect that which you were
told, which didn't happen? The answer? It's a habit. You were there for most of
it. Fear of the future is a habit that was developed through many civilizations
that destroyed themselves and didn't make it. You were there, so the seeds of
this past destruction are inside you, and many still expect a horrible end.
There is,
therefore, a bias that some of you carry who are still expecting the worst. How
do you feel about your future - your personal future? This is one of the keys
to new thinking. Is it hopeful and benevolent and exciting? Or is it the same
old thinking that says everything is going into the dumper eventually? Be
honest, because there are those even sitting here who may not be in actual
fear, but will expect the future to go to a place as it always has for the
reasons it always did. So the real bias is by judging the future from the past.
There is no awareness or exception or even planning for something you didn't
expect and haven't seen before - only what you have seen. As I have said, you
just don't live long enough yet. If you could live just 200 years, a fraction
of what your DNA was designed for, you would start to see the patterns. You
would start to be aware of potentials and not just expect a repeat of
Layers of
There still
is negative thinking, even if you acknowledge that the Armageddon didn't happen
and won't. Let's say that you believe that the future is not going to include
that episode and all will be okay. It is! I'm discussing a long-term future.
Right now you will have two steps forward one step backward in your progress,
creating challenges to good, positive thinking. The positive things are going
to evolve through generations, dear ones. You're going to start to see
organizations clean up their acts or they will fall. There will be no more
fence-sitting on the things that have a lack of integrity, and you're going to
see old leadership with old paradigms fall away. Eventually they will be
replaced by new leadership that's more compassionate and has more integrity.
That's what's coming.
The Fall of
Many - Seen It Yet?
You are
going to see more and more personal secrets being revealed about persons in
high places of popularity or government. It will seem like an epidemic of
non-integrity! But what is happening is exactly what we have been teaching. The
new energy has light that will expose the darkness of things that are not
commensurate with integrity. They have always been there, and they were kept
from being seen by many who keep secrets in the dark. Seen the change yet?
In order to
get to a more stable future, you will have to go through gyrations of dark and
light. What this means is that the dark is going to be revealed and push back
at you. It will eventually lose. We told you this. That's what you're here for
is to help those around you who don't see an escape from the past. They didn't
get their nuclear war, but everything else is going into the dumper anyway.
There Are
More Layers to Get Through
Let's say
that you're alright with the future. You get it and understand this message.
"Okay Kryon, we made it. Humanity is okay with the future. I'm on board
with you and I'm one who is going to say, 'this or something better'. I'm not
going to carry around that feeling that we're always going to be at war. I'm
okay with believing there is something better coming."
I say to
you, what about the other layers? You'll say, "What do you mean? There's
more?" Yes! Intrinsically the chemistry in your body, the innate, the
consciousness you carried around for eons and eons through your past lives, has
always seen one reality: Challenge with light. You've had challenge after
challenge after challenge. There are channellers today who won't channel. There
are shamans walking around who won't teach and who are actually hiding. All of
this is due to Akashic remembrance and the innate yells at them to "stop
showing who you are". It's all because the last time they did, in an older
energy, it didn't work out well at all.
These are
today's closet Lightworkers. Some of you are married to them and that's why you
married them! They are like you, but they just didn't come out of the spiritual
closet. But they're good people, delightful people, and they are the ones who
you love. You know them at work, too. They won't agree with any of my messages,
because at some level there is the seed fear of enlightenment we've told you
about before. The fear comes from powerful Akashic memory. What does your Akash
tell you? Are you one who has escaped from what the Akash shows you? Are you still
in the closet because of your past?
The Akash
represents the life records, in energy, of every single one of you. Oh, your
consciousness may say, "Okay, the future is good. Thanks Kryon for helping
me with this." But then your innate logic says, "What are you,
crazy?" Because all that your Akash remembers is horror, disappointment,
war and sadness! This is very much like drowning in your last life and being
expected to dive right into the water in this life.
the Past
Dear ones,
you're going to have to reframe your Akashic filter, and that is by using
consciousness that starts to instruct your own cellular structure. Did you get
that? This is the new Human, who understands that they have the ability to
change things at the cellular level. You can change the past because of what
the future holds. Now you know what the phrase retro causality means [a physics
term discussed earlier in the day]. Things that are happening in the future can
change the past. Do you now understand this better? It means, dear ones, that
consciousness that expects a good future will create it. It will eliminate or
reframe that negative part of the Akashic logic that says, "You're nuts!
It's going to happen again, just like it always did." Are you working on
Dreams Are
Very Telling
What are
your dreams like? How many of you are having dreams that reveal insecurity?
That's your Akash working overtime to tell you things are not getting better.
Perhaps it would be better if you had a talk with your Akash? Did you know you
could do that? That which is your Higher-Self, which is the sacred YOU, is in
your consciousness all the time. It's the "God in you" that we talk
about. It works with you to void these things that are based on old thinking.
dialogue with your Higher-Self from what you now understand, you can start to
change the very chemical level in your DNA that is where your Akash is stored
and start to reframe it. Start the instructions of a new paradigm. Remind your
body that all this negativity is simply a residual history that will never
repeat itself. In fact, due to the shift, it now belongs in another
consciousness compartment completely.
Let's put
all the old books of the past in another room and shut the door. Label the
door, "Old things that are gone." Now, tell your body that it is not
allowed to access that room. From now on, only positive things that lead you
into a future that is filled with light are allowed to be presented to you, and
that includes your dreams. Did you know you could do that? You could make this
very visualization happen, but you may have to do it over again and again,
because the Akash is stubborn and it's YOUR OWN BODY you are dealing with.
However, you will eventually win because you have so much help from your
Higher-Self, the part of you who loves what you are doing and will supply the
logic of it to your innate. It's like exercising a new muscle in your thinking.
There are
more layers. I know, you are saying, "You mean we're not done yet?"
No. Hardly. Your innate is responsible for knowing about the smart-body and
your chemistry. It's the part of you who knows who you are, from the health
perspective. It's also the one that responds to benevolence and creates
spontaneous remission. However, it also responds to other kinds of thinking,
and can become programmed and unbalanced. A hypochondriac who
"trains" himself to fear all microbes can actually unbalance his own
smart-body so that it cooperates with the idea. It represents how a Human
thinks. Remember this: How you think is how your body reacts. Your cellular
structure is designed to "listen" to your instructions.
Do you
understand the power of this? What you expect, you create! So perhaps a person
has trained their chemistry that there are diseases they may catch and there's
a short life span they are going to have (based, of course, on past
information). Then the Akash chimes in and says, "That's right! Look at
how you died so many times before. Your bad health is built into your
chemistry, so this time is just like the others."
Did you
listen to the channel I gave you some time ago on the Youth Template? The design
of the life-span template of your body is to allow you to live for more than
900 years. But you don't! So, where do you think the body takes it's cue from
in this? I'll tell you - from the past. Isn't it time to change that? You can
actually live far longer by telling your cells that all is okay and by not
buying into what you are told by others.
consciousness is king! What you say and what you think instructs the chemistry
of the body. We've said this way too many times and the real proof, yet again,
is homeopathy. Homeopathy was deemed "unscientific" by a famous
report from your medical world some time ago. They said, "In a tincture,
there are too few parts per million to be 'seen' by any cells in the body. It
therefore can't make any difference in any chemistry or systems in your body.
There is simply no way it can work."
Yet, it
So here is
an interesting decision to be made, and it's one that is primary in the
thinking of today. Question: Are you going with what the scientists tell you or
are you going to look at real results, although unexplainable? Remember,
science knows only what it has discovered to this point. Homeopathy works! Why?
This very
ancient system of healing works because it's the intent placed into the
tincture when it's created and ingested that the body "sees". So the
one who places it under the tongue is instructing the innate on what to do. Did
you hear that? It instructs the innate, just like the hypochondriac does with a
consciousness of fear. Science will also tell you that what the hypochondriac
does is impossible as well, yet it's common to your culture and you see it
every day.
That Work
Because of
all this, dear ones, we already have proof that the chemistry in your body is
able to take instructions, both negative and positive. You can give it
instructions and it takes them! So what's the problem? Let's look at it
further. How many of you have started to give instructions to your body that
the future is a good one, that good health is expected, and you are reframing
the past and eliminating fear? The issue is that you are telling your body to
expect something that is unknown and has never happened before. See the issue?
You are biased to think the unknown is going to be bad!
First I
will expose this: The very idea of the unknown is a bias. What do you think
when you see a sign in the road that says, "Everything from here on is
unknown?" It's a perceived negative message, isn't it? So you step into
the void of the unknown and immediately you are on high alert and very
frightened. "I don't like being here," you say. Dear ones, that's
because Human Beings want to know where they are going. It's a bias!
how can we feel good about the unknown?" Let me ask you: Why is that such
a problem? Why do you have to analyze everything? Why do you have to
intellectualize the future? The answer is habit. The unknown can actually be
very good! You walk into the void and you can say, "Wow, I am so happy
that I don't know anything, because then I don't have to worry about anything
either! I'm going to be given things I never expected, and what happens is not
going to be based on the past; it's not going to be the negative things I
formerly expected. Instead, it's going to be new things I've never seen. Bring
them on!"
Did you
ever notice how Spirit works with you when you give intent and when you pray -
especially when you are going into a situation that is unknown? "Dear
Spirit, what's going to happen? I'm afraid of what is next and I don't know
what to do." Then often nothing happens and nothing happens and finally
you give up, thinking that you were not heard. Then suddenly you get an answer,
and it's not what you expected. Do you understand how timing is involved and
also how your body is actually waiting for you to stop intellectualizing the
issue? Solution often comes when you are finally relaxed with the problem.
Some of you
are still waiting for things to happen. I dare you to step into the void, in
all these biased layers, and say, "I am in the unknown. Akash, get in the
back seat. I'm driving now. Akash, get in that older room where I can slam the
door shut for good. Only new, positive things are allowed. I don't know what
they are, but this feels real good not to know! Biology, get in the back seat
and stop giving me old, fearful information or old ideas of life span. It's
time for the grand escape from all of this. These are my instructions to
About the
God Bias
what is the bias many carry about God, about Spirit? It's totally based on what
you were told, not on reality. I'll tell you what many think about this
meeting. First, the very method of receiving what I'm telling you is
impossible. A man in a chair speaking through an angelic source from the other
side of the veil is ridiculous, stupid and he's obviously a "nut
job". Dear ones, that's a bias. Secondly, others will leave the room
saying, "Okay, it was weird and kind of dumb, but it was cute. I like the
guy, even if he's crazy."
I know
who's here, dear ones, and I'll say it again. If either one of these situations
represent your thinking, there's no judgment here from us. You personally leave
here with the same number of angels and guides that everybody has, with the
same amount of the love from God that everybody has. Like all of humanity, you
have free choice to work with it or not. There's no judgment from God. Nothing
is going to happen to you due to your non-acceptance of these sacred ideas.
what about the message? Don't let your God-bias get in the way of some great,
logical thinking! Can your mind instruct your body? Could you have an
enhancement of your life that you don't expect as a result of something
actually proven to work? What about life extension? What happens when cells
start to change because they are presented with a harmonious energy of thought?
What happens when there's a confluence of energy that aligns things for the
first time? As we said even this morning, these are the things that create
health, long life, happiness and balance. It's the discovery that inside you is
a force to be reckoned with that comes equipped with a DNA package from the
original creation.
Do you want
a fast track to the great escape? Here it is: See a God with no judgment, a God
who loves you unconditionally no matter what, who expects you home when you
leave this planet, who knows every breath you take, who loves you through every
situation and who will take your hand if you will allow it. That's the best
escape of all. It's the first one you should try, for it helps to balance all
the others. Layer after layer of bias and filters and history are what you're
going to have to get through to escape the old biases of the past. Finally, you
can get to that place where you can take a big breath and say, "It's good
to be alive. I'm stepping into a place where I've never been before and no
matter what people tell me, I finally trust my intuition. I'm finally out of
I close the
way I started. Every single Human is different. What you've experienced and
what you've been taught is unique to you. Where you've come from and why you're
here is unique and different. There is no one rule, one pill, one solution or
one doctrine that is going to work for all humanity. Instead, there are a
billion truths, all leading to the one solution - the escape from the bias of
who you were in the past.
The ones
who have the greatest chance are the children. The best generation is yet to
come. They will be healthier, believe it or not. Diseases are going to go away
eventually. I'll speak of this later. There is no pattern that you will follow,
or that you must follow, as a requirement to be loved by God. The love of God
is what you have built-in. Spread it around.
Some day
you'll awaken with a new kind of Akash, and you'll remember what you did before
that worked. This means that you won't make the same mistakes that you made
this time. Instead, you'll be a new Human. This planet has never seen anything
like it before, never.
I am Kryon
in love with humanity.
And so it is.