Yahoo – AFP,
10 April 2018
Alzheimer's affects some 44 million people around the world, but remains poorly understood, with no effective treatments despite billions of dollars spent on research |
In an
effort to speed research toward a cure for the most common form of dementia,
experts urged a new framework Tuesday to diagnose Alzheimer's disease using
biological clues, rather than symptoms of memory loss.
affects some 44 million people around the world, but remains poorly understood,
with no effective treatments despite billions of dollars spent on research.
trials have stumbled, with recent research showing that up to 30 percent of
participants trying experimental drugs did not have the Alzheimer's disease-related
brain change targeted by the medicine.
The new
approach would test for Alzheimer's based on a few known biomarkers, and
recognize that the disease runs on a spectrum that takes root long before
symptoms appear, sometimes even for decades.
the aging of the global population, and the ever-escalating cost of care for
people with dementia, new methods are desperately needed to improve the process
of therapy development and increase the likelihood of success," said
Alzheimer's Association chief science officer Maria Carrillo.
proposed research framework is published in the April 10 edition of Alzheimer's
and Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.
approach has been developed in recent years by 20 academic, advocacy,
government and industry experts in dementia research, convened by the
Alzheimer's Association and the US National Institute on Aging (NIA).
In 2011,
experts designated three stages of Alzheimer's: preclinical (before symptoms
affecting memory, thinking or behavior can be detected), mild cognitive
impairment and dementia.
In 2017,
international leaders convened again to review the latest advances in the field
and update guidelines.
In the
interim, "a profound shift in thinking occurred to define Alzheimer's
disease biologically, by pathologic brain changes or their biomarkers, and
treat cognitive impairment as a symptom/sign of the disease, rather than its
definition," said the report.
are already widely used in medicine to diagnose people with high blood
pressure, diabetes and bone density problems -- and to reduce the likelihood of
heart attack, stroke and bone fractures.
next step'
the context of continuing evolution of Alzheimer's research and technologies,
the proposed research framework is a logical next step to help the scientific
community advance in the fight against Alzheimer's," said NIA director
Richard Hodes.
more accurately we can characterize the specific disease process pathologically
defined as Alzheimer's disease, the better our chances of intervening at any
point in this continuum, from preventing Alzheimer's to delaying
People can
now be assessed for signs of Alzheimer's using imaging technology and analysis
of cerebral spinal fluid samples.
research framework proposes three general groups of biomarkers that are
currently known to science, and leaves room for more to be added in the future.
The first
is beta-amyloid, a naturally occurring protein that accumulates in the brain,
forming plaques.
The second
is a protein called tau, which forms tangles that block communication between
The third
is neurodegeneration or neuronal injury, which may result from aging, trauma or
Alzheimer's disease.
cautioned that the framework is not intended to be a guideline for doctors or a
checklist for diagnosis, but rather a path for researchers to follow.
shifting the discussion to neuropathologic changes detected in biomarkers to
define Alzheimer's, as we look at symptoms and the range of influences on
development of Alzheimer's, I think we have a better shot at finding therapies,
and sooner," said the NIA's Eliezer Masliah.
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Alzheimer's is heart breaking. There are millions on this planet who develop this condition, more all the time. You're living longer and a plaque-like material that literally obfuscates your memory within the brain is becoming more common. It clings to certain parts of your brain, encrusting and restricting it, imprisoning the Human's ability to remember and eventually process information at all. The result is death, slow death. It's caused by your environment, a fact which will be discovered eventually. Your long-lived Ancients didn't have it.
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Question (2004): Dearest Kryon: I've read the question and answer on people with diseases of the mind - for example, Alzheimers and dementia. But I have more questions. You say that people have chosen this path and that the lessons are for us. As I work with these people, I'm wondering if there is any stage where there could be a reversal of the condition, and if so, with what methods? The people in the hostel are so drugged up, and there's a mind-set with the authorities that no "alternate" therapies work - although they're using colored lights. (Sadly, the diversional therapist told me she doesn't know what color therapy is.)
From a spiritual point of view, what is the best way to work with these people - talk to them as though they were normal, or go along with their imaginings? I've been told that they need to be kept quiet, especially toward evening. However, I've found that with one woman who mostly paces saying very little, the more childlike I am (dancing and singing makes her happy), the more she talks. I could go on and on - could you please enlighten me further?
Answer: I will answer the second part first. Love those who are in this condition. Find out what makes them smile... and then make them smile. The best you can do in a facilitation of this condition is to somehow create joy. Even in their confusion they can laugh at situations and be creative. They'll also remember you better as the one who creates this emotion. Each is very different, but in general, try to find their "happy" button and push it as often as you can. They will remember that.
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