, June
16, 2018
This live
channelling was given in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Lee Carroll |
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often
what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of
communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message
given in Nanaimo.
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The threshold that my partner just
passed [Lee went into channel] is one you may feel. It's the same voice, but
the energy, for those who can feel it, is vastly different. This threshold
opens a door. It is a door in what you have called "the field", where
there is no time, no space and not an actual "place". It just is.
It's here with every single one of you, and that is where I am as well.
Some say,
"The field is the other side of the veil." Some say, "The field
is a magic place where your soul can go and relax for a little while before it
comes back." Some say, "It's God." All of these descriptions are
correct, because in this hero's journey that my partner has described today,
each of you has that place in the field. So through this door that has been
opened with intent, and through something that is happening in this room, a
togetherness, a confluence of energy begins. It is something that can be
measured - a coherence of thought and heart is starting to meld together where
it's safe. It's safe for a few minutes here. This won't last long, this
message. But it's a safe place to be.
Some of you
have constructed a box around your belief that says, "Bring on the
scientists. Get on with this!" [Lee is in a science conference] I know who
you are, dear one, as you sit impatiently through this spiritual portion. Then
I tell you again that there is just as much love for you as any other Human on
this planet. There are as many angelic, if you want to call them that,
beautiful soul energies around you as anyone. It doesn't matter how you receive
this message, or even if you wanted it. Spirit respects the fact that you have
the free choice to examine these things the way you want to. Some of you will
say, "Well, I really don't want to go into the full esoteric at the
moment." Dear one, you don't have to. But let me ask you this: What if the
things I say next start to ring true? What if they are filled with logic? What
would it hurt to open your box of belief for just a moment and listen and weigh
and examine? Get ready, because you're going to need it, for what I am about to
tell you I also told about 300 people earlier in the week [an earlier group meeting].
A few days
ago, there was a handshake and that handshake was with the President of the
United States and the leader of North Korea. This handshake was something that
was far from expected a few months ago. In fact, it's beyond all odds - all
odds - that this would ever take place! I want to tell you about this, because
you are going to start to understand the mechanics of prediction. The reason? I
told you years ago about the potential of the handshake.
"I am
a channeller," my partner says. "I channel Kryon," my partner
says. But what my partner has really learned to do is to put himself away and
dip into the field with purity. This allows him to see differently and contact
that who is Kryon, a friend in the field, and then to report to you what's perceived
there. Predictions are not magic. Predictions are not future fortune-telling.
You can't do that, dear ones; no one can do that. The reason? Because Human
nature has free choice. Free choice creates trillions of free decisions daily.
There is no "known" future. But there are a vast number of strong
potentials based on what free choice is doing at the moment.
I want to
take you back to March 2012 in Dallas, Texas. The channellings that I refer to now are documented, printed, available, and ready for you to read and find. [on
this very web page] My partner documents them all and places them on his
website. Some of you already know that I spoke about two strong potentials in
that channeling, which would now seem to be predictions (since they happened).
But they weren't. These things were potentials based upon that which was
already happening in the field.
The first
item: I told you that you would have a new pope soon. Thirteen months later,
the planet received one. We told you that new pope would be a wild card in that
he would come with unexpected energies. The old pope didn't even die, if you
noticed. In fact, he's still with you! Instead, something happened that was
beyond expectation, and you heard it from a chair just like the one I'm in now.
That's not predicting, dear ones, because that was in the field. It was already
something in progress with a potential. Did you hear that? In progress with a
The second
thing I told you about was this: There's a 50% chance that the new leader of
North Korea, the son, would not follow in the footsteps of his father. I told
you there was a 50% chance of this. Then I started itemizing the reasoning why
this might make sense, especially to the Korean leader. I then told you it
might take a long time if it manifested at all. I told you the problems would
be within the old advisors for his father's family. He had to tread slowly and
lightly to do something against all odds. This will all come out someday
because of the handshake.
Here was
the potential or the prediction of what might happen: Those who had the machine
guns in the DM zone would drop them, because this North Korean leader would
unify the two Koreas. There would be no nuclear weapons in his land and there
would be the beginning of abundance for his people. His people and the world
would then give him something he had always wanted and was imbued with from
birth - the desire for accolades and more accolades. Like his father before
him, he was the premier egotist, and this would be the unexpected way to create
a world at his feet. That's what I said. Then I said, "Watch for it, but
don't be anxious." I talked about that in 2013, and five more times since
then. In August 2017, I itemized my advice for him, point by point. The advice
that I gave followed the potentials that were there and those were the very
points in the handshake this week in June of 2018.
Now, you
tell me what happened. "Kryon, you're going to be famous because you
predicted these things!" Dear ones, all I did was look into a field that
is being shown to you today [by the scientists at the conference]. And all I
did was to show you the potentials that were already there. In other words, he
was thinking about these things and talking to others behind the scenes about
them. No matter what his advisors told him right up to the brink of sending his
missiles, he was always thinking that there might be another way that would
gain him ultimate fame. Dear ones, this has been in progress since his father
died! Therefore, it was in the field, but not a given, dear ones - a potential.
Next, I
want to show you the bias of humanity at this time, something I have spoken of
many times. This potential of the handshake is amazing, and it has started to
be manifested. What should the reaction be to something that deflects the
potential of war, or saves thousands lives? Instead of joy or amazement or
celebration, Humans go for the reverse: It can't happen. It's a trick. It's a
bad deal.
I want you
to start reading the reactions of the press. I want you to read the reactions
even from the South Koreans. They said, "Well, we know North Koreans, and
that's never going to happen. We know who they are, and we know their nature.
Because in the past, they never performed what they said they would. So it's a
joke." That is a quote from a South Korean. "It's a joke."
happened to this comment? "Isn't this a beautiful potential? Look at this
amazing thing - against all odds!" Now, your free press, the reporting
segment of our culture, has decided not only to report it, but to let you know
it's probably not going to happen! They say: "Nay. Maybe yes, maybe no.
We'll see. We expect the worse." And this continues and continues, and all
it shows you is the monstrous bias of the dark side that wants to pull anything
good back to what the past gave to you.
In Joseph
Campbell's Hero's Journey, the hero always believes that they will move toward
the goal. They are not steeped in the past, nor are they invested in dark
things. Humanity has crossed the threshold into the unknown when it passed
2012, but carries with it the burden of an old, dark Human nature. What would
the heroic old soul say about what is taking place? "Let them all spin the
dark all they want to, but we got to see something against all odds and it was
in the field - in the field! Send them light so they may very well do what the
handshake was all about."
Dear ones,
it is not naive to expect good things in the future, if you are actively
sending light there and shaping a reality that you can actually visualize.
Let me tell
you what else is in the field. Two things: These are going to be things that
exist now in the field and they are upcoming potentials. The reason I give you
these potentials is so if they happen, just like the handshake, you might
believe a little more in this process.
There will
come a time when Big Pharma will fall over because of a growing higher
consciousness of the public. [Applause in the audience] There is a
consciousness growing here that begins to have a new respect for each other, so
that abuse of women will no longer be tolerated. Things that never happened
before will begin happening, like bishops and cardinals resigning. [All 34
bishops in the Catholic Church resigned May 2018 after the new wild card pope
called them on their reaction to child abuse for years by their colleagues.]
All the things my partner brought today [in the seminar] are actually happening
now. Why should some of these drug companies fail? Because there will be a
strong reaction from your general public when they realize there are companies
that have policies that would keep a Human sick or let him die for money.
[Applause in the audience] It would be unconscionable, and the potential grows
stronger daily that it's going to happen. The trigger? It's coming. When it
does, that industry will be in trouble. Not all pharma is this way, dear ones -
understand this - but the ones who are will fall.
I want you
to watch Iran. It's not like the isolation of North Korea. It's hooked to a
major belief system and to Middle Eastern history. It's hooked to a major
person with control, and it is tied into the grand problem of the Middle East
and especially Israel. Things will start to change. Watch this. It's in the
field. It's being discussed and there are "wild cards" coming.
Let me
close with this: I'm going to give you the same concept that I gave those few
on their way to the beautiful garden a few days ago [channelling on the way to
Butchart Gardens in Vancouver Island]. There are things in your field for you
that will save your life unless you look back and say, "Impossible!"
Some of you have an old habit where you look at your life and say, "Well,
for others, but not for me." Sometimes you pull on your old logic and
further say, "Well, it's never happened before, so why should it happen
now?" Dear ones, that exactly reflects the earlier teaching of the day.
Don't let the past predict your future. If you do, then you are actually
creating your own demise.
What is in
the field for you? What is it you can see and imagine? Have you heard this
question from the scientists this week - not a channeller, but the scientists?
Did you hear that the visualization of your health from your consciousness goes
inside and is seen by your own cellular structure? Does this science sound like
Kryon? Did you hear that the field is there to push it forward? Do you believe
in homeopathy? Do you see how it works? For example, you have a tincture that
is too small to be recognized by any part of the body as a chemical change, yet
the body sees the signal from the tincture and corrects the issue! Dear one,
homeopathy is not something unknown on the planet. It's everywhere! So
understand this: The principles of homeopathy are NOT homeopathic principles.
They are Universal principles of the field.
So, how
about consciousness homeopathy? What's the difference between putting a
tincture together to create a signal for healing and life extension or putting
strong consciousness together that does the same? This is here and already has
been proven. It's just means changing the mechanics a little. With the new
energy that I have told you is here, and the amount of love that is pouring to
you that is greater than ever before because of what you're doing, old soul,
this is doable for you. More than doable. It awaits manifestation.
What did
you come here for? Perhaps there are issues - I know who's here. Perhaps there
are issues that you have been working on a long time? Did you know that in the
field, for you, they are already corrected and solved? Did you know that some
of the situations you're in, which seem untenable, are solved? The "Woe is
me, what am I going to do?" is being heard, dear ones, and is correctable.
It's such an elegant solution if you want it. It assigns consciousness the role
of a homeopathic remedy, like property. Premise: If you expect it, see it, and
claim it, it's real. If you cognize it, it belongs to you. It's there. It has
your name on it. But nothing is going to happen unless you rise above the fray
of an old consciousness that says, "It can't be." Yes, it can!
With this
particular group of old souls, dear ones, I tell you you're here for one
reason: You're here to hear the science of consciousness. Every single process
and every single chart and every single word you're going to hear supports what
I just said to you. Don't even begin to separate the spiritual from the
scientific. Your studies into the science of the way things work, are the
studies of God, who designed it and made it work. Use your consciousness to go
to places you haven't been before, whether you like channeling or not.
Understand that there is room for the love of God and science as well. So we
say for this weekend, until you hear from me tomorrow evening, "Let the
science begin!" [Let the conference continue]
And so it is.
Related Article:
"Recalibration of Free Choice"– Dallas Texas, Mar 3, 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) - (Subjects: (Old) Souls, Midpoint on 21-12-2012, Shift of Human Consciousness, Black & White vs. Color, 1 - Spirituality (Religions) shifting, Loose a Pope “soon”, 2 - Humans will change react to drama, 3 - Civilizations/Population on Earth, 4 - Alternate energy sources (Geothermal, Tidal (Paddle wheels), Wind), 5 – Financials Institutes/concepts will change (Integrity – Ethical) , 6 - News/Media/TV to change, 7 – Big Pharmaceutical company will collapse “soon”, (Keep people sick), (Integrity – Ethical) 8 – Wars will be over on Earth, Global Unity, … etc.) - (Text version)