April 15, 2018
Lee Carroll |
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often
what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of
communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message
given in West Virginia.
dear ones, I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This will be a different kind of
channelling. It is not a standard message, but instead it is the presentations
of three future potentials that you may indeed see. This meeting is being put
on and hosted by what is called a "futurist". A futurist is one who
dedicates his/her time in trying to predict coming systems in government,
economics and potential inventions that might change a culture's future. This then
allows humanity to prepare for things in a benevolent way when it happens. That
is a futurist. So in honor of the futurist, I would like to paint a picture of
three things that you might expect in your future.
One of the
questions presented earlier today in the seminar was about electronics and
machines and about the future of what you call "artificial
intelligence". Where is it going? Is there danger to Human Beings because
of it? Is humanity to go into a dark hole of its own creation because it made
machines that turned against it? Is it going to do the kinds of things your
science fiction movies have presented?
Here is the
answer: "You don't know what you don't know." What that means is that
your future is not predictable from anything you've experienced in the past.
The evolution of circuitry, of artificial intelligence, of technology itself
for the last 50 years will not apply to the next 50. The logic of the past
presses on you to predict the future, but you can't. All of your fear of future
artificial intelligence is based on your expectation that you will create
machines that will have the same dysfunctional consciousness of fear, greed,
hate and war called Human nature. It's really funny to consider that you are
actually afraid you won't be able to control yourselves, and you will create a
"thinking machine" that will have the very same broken consciousness
you have. Systemic consciousness change is coming.
You simply
can't predict a future where the only thing to compare it to is a past that you
are moving away from. Example: Please give me the evolutionary ideas on the
next generational advance for a better ice box. [Silence] Oh, you don't have
them anymore? What happened? The answer is electricity. That would be a
systemic change. When you have a huge systemic paradigm shift, do you think it
would affect a prediction path you might try to predict? The answer is yes. So
consciousness change would be a "spoiler", if you wish to say that,
for the futurist's ability to predict the future.
Let me give
you three future scenarios in a timeline that is not identified by years, but
by a numeric order - one, two and three. So what this means is that there is no
timeline for these potentials, but they indeed represent an evolutionary growth
from one to the next.
Next, I
want to tell you that everything I'm presenting has actually happened, but you
haven't seen it yet. "Kryon, how is that possible? Are you talking about
Earth?" Indeed, I am not speaking
about the earth. Remember, Old soul, you're not just an old soul, you're an
extremely old soul. We gave a message some time ago that was titled, "How old are you?" It places your soul on other planets like the earth, going
through shifts like the one you have now, only at different times way in the
Many of you
are awakening to this attribute right now and are remembering what's coming and
having feelings that you might have experienced it before. This esoteric
remembrance is starting to temper your fear, which is often caused by what you
see happening with humanity today. Change is sometimes fearful. But you are
becoming more comfortable because at some level you remember where it might go.
You have participated in "The Shift" before.
The future
is completely dependent upon free choice. That's you, now, here on Earth. How
fast the change happens is up to you and how fast consciousness moves is the
same. You have free choice to stay in the dark or go into the light. You have
free choice for slow or fast change. So if I said it would take 50 years or 100
years, I would be wrong. Faster or slower depends totally upon you and the
Humans on this planet. There will be some surprises, and the surprises in
technology will be surprises because nobody ever considered them due to what
you haven't seen yet. Your expectations are all tempered by your past, and now
they can't be.
Number One
one is not necessarily in the distant future, but it would be considered the
first step of what is to come. The focus for the future of electronics is going
to be Human health. Electronics is going to turn more inward into the
individual's Human's ability to use technology for healing. Right now,
electronic evolvement does not turn inward. It has always evolved outward. It
has allowed you to speak to the world all at once and create networks that all
can use at once. This is an outward evolution. But now I'm going to speak of
electronics that will be turned inward and interface with a person's
consciousness - an inward evolution. I give you the first scenario. It involves
inventions that have not yet occurred and processes that are not yet
The cancer
patient reports to the hospital, lies down, and prepares. But the preparation
is not for surgery. Instead, there's something else that's going to happen. A
very tiny, small injection of something is going into her body - something that
today, you wouldn't expect to work. "Oh, I know," thinks a reader.
"It's evolved micro-robotics." It isn't. It's going to be biology,
with parts no bigger than a cell you can barely discern.
We are
speaking now of the evolvement of what you call stem cells. What if you could
take a piece of your systemic cellular structure, one that belongs to your own
system, which has a consciousness of you and the benevolence of you, and give
it instructions to go to a diseased part of you and rejuvenate it? This is a
part of your own system that would never hurt you, which is not artificial, but
which is "instructable". The electronics involved will be part of the
ability to give instructions and will help imbue your consciousness into the
injected cell group to tell it what you want it to do. You are guiding this
group of cells through the bloodstream on its way to destroying the tumor, but
not in the way you are trying to do now within your medicine. Instead, the
tumor is about to be "reprogrammed". Did you know that all disease
has a program? Well, perhaps that's something you should work on. [Kyron smile]
Disease actually has a "disease consciousness" and works with
purpose. But it's not smart, and often doesn't understand that it's killing its
host, but only sees growth as the end goal.
This cell
group we are discussing is not a form of robotics. It's not artificial
intelligence. It's you, inserting your own consciousness into your own body in
a miraculous way through inventions that are not here yet. It's part biology,
part machine, and part electronics. You will be using it all together in a
benevolent scenario that gathers a specific energy around the tumor using a
process you don't know about yet. The tumor reacts almost instantly, because it
gets reprogrammed. Remember, it's alive, and it is not appropriate in your
body. It begins to die right away. It is reprogrammed at a systemic, biological
What is it
that can destroy disease this way? What you are viewing in this experience is
the first wave of understanding of how your personal consciousness can be
imbued into special cells that have been harvested from you for this purpose
and actually given intent-based instructions. The tumor doesn't fight. It has
no choice but to start immediately dying because it has been reprogrammed to
"know" it is inappropriate. Is this possible? Is this even feasible?
Oh yes! I've just given you a reality that will happen. Consciousness is no
longer an elusive concept. It will be measured as energy and used appropriately
as energy.
Number Two
What I have
just given you is actually archaic compared to the second one. The cancer
patient reports to a building and the building may have a sign that says:
The V Group
- Complete and Total Healing!
Shopping for Disease Elimination
There will
be competition within this process, since it is far more available to be
created without medical procedures at all. For this reason, it improves and
improves. The cancer patient goes into the building. This time, there is no
What you
are going to experience now is the evolution of what you call virtual reality.
However, you can no longer call it virtual, since the seemingly artificial
reality of it blurs into your own reality. Today, you have the beginning of it.
You put on a pair of goggles and you can look around and experience an
extremely realistic program. You can look around your area with 360-degree
sight and see beautiful nature and experience places you can never go. Amazing
as you might think this is, dear ones, that's a toy compared to what I'm going
to show you next.
The cancer
patient goes into the building and ends up in a large room with a very special
apparatus. I won't describe the apparatus, for it may give away part of the
process. Don't worry, it's coming. It will be invented. It's in the minds and
the Akash of those who will do it.
As the
apparatus is engaged, in a short time the patient is in another place with
another reality. It's one that allows her to stand and walk and be normal, yet
she is not really doing any of those things. So real is it that she can
interface with others in this seeming simulation. She is not interfacing with a
program, but with other intelligences that seem to be Human, because they
actually are. The other Humans are in another part of the building, also
interfacing with her through the apparatus. This event of hers requires almost
the entire building and many other people. She is not alone. Nothing is
artificial about the exchange, but everything is artificial that she sees and touches.
Indeed, she knows this, but soon she won't remember it.
In this
"other reality", she walks into a healing center. It's so real that
she can feel the breeze in the park where she is and smell the grass. She walks
into the building and uses the elevator, just as she would in her home town to
visit her family doctor. The receptionist takes her name and interfaces with
her and she even discusses her family a bit. No exchange is artificial. No
intelligence is artificial, but everything she experiences otherwise is through
the evolution of electronics that work with her consciousness.
The patient
lies down on a couch and above her head is a large video-type screen. As the
nurses move around her with objects having wires, her cancerous tumor comes
into view on the screen. She is comfortable and in a position of muscular
neutrality, as if she were about to take a nap, but she is wide awake and
ultra-ready for a confrontation. There is nothing threatening around her at
all, but it's so real she can touch and feel everything she sees. The screen
above her continues to show the tumor, but she isn't apprehensive, for she
knows what's coming. She is preparing for battle.
She is
handed some kind of portable controller, where she is able to move a certain
way and somehow affect the tumor and its surroundings. It would seem as though
she is actually touching her own tumor using the controller, and each time she
does, it responds and quickly tries to move away. The nurses warn her not to go
too fast, and then they help guide her on what to do and how to move, then they
cheer when she does it correctly. Also around her in the room she begins to
hear some kind of songs or melodies that are familiar, and with the controller
in her hands, she begins to interface with what is on the screen. She slowly
sees that she is actually erasing the tumor on the screen. It objects and
wiggles and slowly begins to shrink before her eyes. The staff is working with
her and giving her more advice. "Watch the colors!" they tell her.
"Move you controller with the colors! It's telling you what makes it
uncomfortable!" The tumor is almost screaming and moving wildly. She
continues to manipulate the controller. The songs and melodies continue, and
she slowly realizes that she is singing along with them and smiling the whole
Dear ones,
this woman is healing her own tumor! It is so real. She is in another world, an
artificial world, but at the same time she is not really there at all. However,
her body is seeing and feeling things so real that her blood pressure is
reacting, her consciousness is reacting, she is sweating and her actual
chemistry believes she is in this healing building working hard to outwit
disease. In this amazing and extremely real virtual world, she start seeing her
tumor being destroyed by her own hands, her own desire to be rid of it, and her
own intention and hard work.
The tumor
and the patient seem to be in heated battle and she is allowed to rest. She
eats a virtual meal and feels it go down into her stomach, then she returns to
the couch to continue the battle. This time the tumor seems to sense her coming
and turns colors and moves without even being "touched". The woman is
singing again. There is joy as she slowly, bit by bit, erases the tumor from
her body. She feels the fatigue of the battle and the joy of victory as it
shrinks and becomes smaller and smaller and disappears. No more motion, no more
color changes.
The virtual
experience lasts a full day. It is so real that she has several meals during
that time and her body is actually nourished. Finally, she gets up to leave,
but she is not done. Now she reports to another room for tests. The doctors
interface with her and begin the standard tests they always have done. There's
a needle prick and the drawing of blood - all as usual, all virtual. Then the
staff returns with the results. She sees the chemistry and the charts and even
the waste material where the tumor was, as its remains are being washed away by
her system. The doctor smiles and tells her, "Congratulations! It's really
gone," and there is a feeling of joy, elation and celebration.
When it's
time for her to come back to the real world, they bring her back slowly. She
didn't put on a pair of goggles, dear ones. I'm not going to tell you what she
did, but it was complete, immersive, and it surrounded her. There was nothing
like it - a virtual world almost as real as if you had stepped into another
dimension. [Kryon smile]
When she is
fully returned, nobody gives her a "real" test to find out how it
worked, because everyone already knows: Complete healing. Her body and her
system and her mind cognized the experience as though it were completely and
totally real in every way. With the assistance from virtual patterning, which
was actually hooked to her consciousness and "knew her", she walked
away without cancer. That's the power of future electronics and technology.
That's technology turning "inward". It's a future that recognizes
what consciousness can do and how powerful the mind is. That's scenario two.
Number Three
There are always
questions about the multidimensional Human Being. "Kryon, is it possible
we can ever discover our own multidimensionality and, without any electronics
or machines of any kind, change our chemistry in a process that is known,
understood and intuitive?" Yes, dear ones. Yes.
The reason
I am so certain of this is because this is your blueprint. This is what the
whole design of DNA is for. This is the evolution I have spoken of. I'm not
going to be able to tell you how long it may take, since the evolution time
clock is controlled by the free-will consciousness of humanity. But let me
introduce something in your body that actually is designed to do this kind of
thing, but which is dysfunctional at the moment. It's something that you know
about and have accepted "as is" in all its dysfunctional state. You
don't even realize it's broken. You have never seen it any other way.
What we are
speaking of is what you have called your "innate". How does it feel
to be the highest evolved creature on the planet, with an intellect where you
can examine your own existence, ask why you're here, feel the love of the
creator, and even say the words, "I am that I am," yet have a part of
your own body that is smarter than you are?
(muscle testing) has been used by practitioners and medicine for decades and
decades in order to find answers to very simple questions regarding your body
that your consciousness should actually know! Here is a statement of truth, and
a difficult one for Humans to hear: Dear Human Being, your mind and
consciousness, as amazing as you feel it might be, is currently completely
separated from your chemistry, and that was never the design.
Let me ask
you, logically, does it make sense to you that your biological blueprint would
have created a "stupid", disconnected system? "Stupid"
because it is counterintuitive to the entire "survival" instinct of
every mammal on the planet! The answer is no. It's not logical and it doesn't
help you survive at all. In fact, it's so dysfunctional that disease can attach
itself to you and you won't know it for weeks until it really gets going. Then
you go to the doctor and get the news.
Right now,
this innate "smarter body" has to be accessed completely and totally
separately through processes that are archaic. Indeed, it can give you signals
if you ask, but it won't tell you anything that's happening in real time since
there is no "bridge" of elegant connection to your mind that allows
it. That missing bridge is what evolution will begin to build.
Innate, the
smart body within the multidimensional Human Being, is going to evolve and
begin to use that 24th pair of chromosomes that you think you don't have. We
have given you the information in the past that you can only see 23 chromosome
pairs with your modern equipment. The 24th is still there, but
multidimensional. It is not yet understood, seen or recognized. There are
actual hints that can be deciphered that would tell a biologist that
"something is unbalanced and should be more complete," but the pair
is basically invisible in 3D.
multidimensional, 24th pair is the one the Pleiadians manipulated when they
moved around your old linear set of chromosomes within your DNA to a set of
apparently 23. This is what gave you the ability to have knowledge of the
creator, God inside, the choice of high and low consciousness, and the ability
to create elegant music, art, poetry and painting. It's your Adam and Eve
Dear ones,
when consciousness starts to increase on this planet and you start to measure
and use quantum things, number 24 will reveal itself within the double helix.
Then you will have a revelation: "There's more than we thought!"
That's when quantum patterning will begin to show itself, and chemistry and
physics will be put together and studied in ways they always should have been.
what will be the result of this evolution?" The first thing that you'll
start seeing are Human Beings born with a special consciousness where they can
"sense" things within their own body and they will become their own
healers due to it. They will know all about their blood chemistry without a
test. They will know when any disease tries to attach to them, instantly the moment
it happens, instead of waiting for something to grow inside them and create
pain. They'll be their own medical intuitives. People will see the first stages
of this and they'll say, "This is unbelievable. It's not right. It's
abnormal. These people are odd and unusual." They will be isolated and
tested, because they are evolved. Welcome to Earth, where advanced Humans are
often hidden away and feared.
That's what
you do, don't you? That's what you've done to the autistics in your culture.
It's because you don't see it coming, do you? You don't see the savants in the
future, do you? You only see an unusual set of children that have odd
communication and who are difficult in an old energy. Since you don't really
expect this evolution, you treat these things as sub-standard or difficult.
These new autistics just yell, "I'm a nonlinear thinker! Find a way to
communicate with me that is not linear!" Yet you are not ready to study
what that might mean. These circumstances are actually starting to show themselves
in so many ways. Look at what these special Humans can do that you can't, and
that will give you a hint of who they are. This evolution is coming. That
multidimensional piece of your DNA that you can't even see yet is going to
bring your consciousness in line with your innate.
Let me
finish with this: What is your innate attached to that is also a mystery that
you cannot easily access? I speak again of what is called the Akashic Record of
the Human Being. This is the record of all the energy, activity and history of
your soul on the earth. Dear one, evolution within the new Human Being is going
to connect you to your Akash.
What do you
know about the Akash in the old energy? It's something that often bothers you
because it only remembers negative attributes about your past lives. Akashic
issues are the things that even today you work with to try and suppress. They
are subtle and not part of the subconscious mind. They are often revealed by
past-life readers or others who can "read" your Akash to the extent
they are allowed. But this is all changing.
There will
be a meld with the innate and your Akash that gives you full access to the
wisdom of the past and full access to dismiss all negative things. This will be
one of the most significant evolutionary steps of humanity, this marriage of
the Akash, the innate and higher consciousness. That will truly reveal the
multidimensional Human Being. When it takes place, you will then look at the
facts and the history and realize that you are not from here at all, but that
your DNA is from the stars. You'll begin to understand it all because it's all
part of a scenario of connection, of a coherence with your brothers and sisters
spread all across the skies. That is the future.
soon, Kryon?" Not soon enough, but you'll get there. Every single Human,
using their free choice, will come back and come back and come back. Each time
there will be improvement for a world that has great promise. This is different
from before, dear ones, where you never evolved your consciousness and
continued the dysfunction of war and other processes that never changed from
century to century.
In the far,
far distant future, there will come a time, dear ones, when it is your job to
seed another civilization in some other far away place. This will give birth to
compassionate action in other parts of this galaxy. Someday, you will work
together to create another planet that has your stamp, your DNA, and you will
introduce them to the creative source, just as it was given to you.
Are you
getting this? Are you really understanding how important you are at this
juncture of time? There are so many mysteries, you might say. But they will
eventually all be revealed, and you'll be here for that. Don't fear these
things, because they come from you, by design. That is the message for today.
And so it