Matthew Books, Nov 23, 2013 (Includes a
message Suzanne Ward received from John F Kennedy some years ago.)
Matthew Ward |
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
First we
shall speak about a matter that has touched hearts everywhere. Typhoon Haiyan
is profoundly tragic for everyone who lost dear family and friends, homes and
businesses—they don’t know that at soul level they agreed to be part of this
major act of planetary cleansing. Because releasing accruing negativity was
essential to keep Earth progressing toward balance, all the people whose
physical lives ended and the millions who are struggling in the storm’s
aftermath embraced the opportunity to evolve by participating as they did.
This kind
of enthusiastic mass agreement doesn’t seem even possible in your concept of
time, but in the eternal life of the soul and the timelessness of the
continuum, opportunities to leap forward in soul growth are eagerly sought, and
universe-wide they happen with some frequency. Please do not think that our
explanation of a devastating situation is dispassionate or that we are
unaffected by the grieving souls and their massive reconstruction ahead. We are
among the myriad souls who showered light on the Philippines during and after
the storm to assist all who made transition and to fortify the inner strength
of survivors. We feel their heartbreak
and fright and confusion about how to start rebuilding their lives, their
villages and farms and cities.
How we wish
they could know that their loved ones were greeted by name and “Thank you!” as
they entered Nirvana. Just as fervently we wish they could know that all who
died and they themselves collectively agreed to give Earth that vital lift she
needed to stay her course toward balance. If Gaia’s gratitude could be seen,
your world would be ablaze with the radiance of its light.
compassion is adding light to the lives that in this moment are bleak and
sorrowing, and the generosity of spirit in which assistance is being given is
adding light, too. We see the overview of medical teams, suppliers of food and
water, and clearing crews as they persevere in efforts to maneuver through
areas where roads were washed out or are filled with destroyed buildings. We
see the panic of hungry people looking for food, and we see those who take
items that have nothing to do with survival but will be needed when a semblance
of normalcy is restored. Light beings throughout this universe are streaming
love-light energy to all of those souls.
Fifty years
ago the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy shocked the world, but
even today very few individuals know that his death had far more than a deeply
emotional impact. Eventually the truth will emerge that one of the reasons he
was killed was to prevent his abolishing the privately-owned Federal Reserve
System and returning the national currency to its dollar status, a move that
would have ended the Illuminati’s control of that country’s economy and
severely weakened their ability to manipulate the global economy. Half a
century later than Kennedy intended, the dismantling of that nefarious system
is underway.
I have
asked my mother to copy here the thought-provoking message she received from
President Kennedy some years ago. [The following message, which was for a
British author’s book about Princess Diana that includes messages from her and
several others, was transmitted December 30, 2004. I don’t know if the book was
published or if so, by what title.]
To the
world that I left over forty years past, I say that my spirit of love for my
country and Earth never departed. My
leaving was not by an accident any more than was Princess Diana’s death. Our souls had agreed to serve in this
way. We knew at some level that our
lives would be short on Earth by good intention, and we see that much has been
accomplished in our names—more than if we had remained there.
Our lives
were not lived in perfection, nor were they intended to be. Our human frailties are like many others who
also did much to assist in raising the human spirit and promoting the value of
each life.
I use again
my words that still are publicly remembered: Ask not what your country can do
for you. Ask what you can do for your
country. But now I amend those: Ask not
what your world can do for you. Ask what
you can do for your world. LOVE is the answer, the ONLY answer to rising above
the misery still befalling so much of humanity.
The spirit
in which Diana and I both endeavored to serve in our respective positions is
stronger than ever within us. More than
ever before in the history of Earth there is opportunity to spread love
throughout the world with feelings and actions.
More than ever before there is imperative need for this! The moment of great transition is at
hand. Contribute to this for the sake of
all life on Earth and your soul’s divine nurturing.
We are
never separate one from another. We are
One with the Universe.
Thank you,
Mother, and now we shall address some issues that readers have questioned.
If comet
Ison explodes, will any large fragments be pulled by Earth’s gravity into a
position that can endanger us? No.
Spacecraft roaming the skies are on the lookout for comets like Ison and other
large celestial bodies that could pose danger to Earth, and when one might,
they use their technology to detour its route. In the case of smaller objects,
they maneuver them to an area where no heavy damage can result or they smash
them to smithereens, whichever is safer for you and the planet.
No, a time
has not been set for official acknowledgement of other civilizations’ presence,
the landing of ships and introduction of family members living among you. God
is in charge of timing because only at that height of awareness can it be known
when Earth humankind is ready to welcome “aliens.” Your film industry has done
a good job of portraying people from other civilizations as monstrosities that
want to annihilate you or handsome, sly beings who want to enslave you—images
of grotesque creatures and stories of ruthless intent are seared in many, many
readers feel that nothing of noteworthy substance can happen until your space
family is working alongside you, and that is not so. Because it is your world,
it is up to you to decide what societal, political and economic reforms you
want and endeavor to accomplish them; and in numerous messages we have
delineated the many ways that you have been making strides toward those
significant goals. What your family from other civilizations will do is tackle
environmental issues that are beyond your capabilities—their technologies can
dematerialize nuclear waste and depleted uranium, purify polluted rivers and
seas, and restore deserts to arable condition. Also, their free energy systems
are far advanced of your own, which by and large still are under Illuminati
Others are
asking if channeled reports are true that benevolent ETs became discouraged and
abandoned you and the only ones near Earth now will come as conquerors. That is
a blatant lie set forth by base entities who know that only benevolent members
of our universal family are in your solar system and they have been assisting
you all along.
We cited
one situation above; however, other civilizations have been helping Earth and
her successive generations of residents throughout her history. Mother, please
copy part of the book that describes their many kinds of assistance.
following is portions of the chapter “Help from Other Civilizations” in Earth’s
Golden Age–Life beyond 2012.]
Assistance from extraterrestrials
started long before their infusion of the light that saved Earth’s life more
than seven decades ago.
Earth’s history our universal family has served her in one supportive role or
another. Members of some highly advanced civilizations had a hand in designing
and establishing the flora and fauna, and human life on the planet derived from
several civilizations’ seeding programs.
Among today’s populace are descendants of those ancient residents, some
of whom were gods and goddesses. …
The Akashic
records, which contain every soul’s lifeprint of each physical lifetime
wherever in this universe each was experienced, are maintained and safeguarded
by some of Ashtar’s forces.
For long
ages some of Hatonn’s Pleiadian crews have been on rotation maintenance tours
to insure the safety of the light grid around Nirvana that prohibits entry by
rogue entities. …
After your
air travel started, the crews deflected the trajectory of debris or
dematerialized it if it posed potential danger to planes in flight. They also have rescued persons thought lost
in ships at sea or planes that disappeared; the rescued parties physically
entered a different energy plane, which is why they weren’t seen or heard from
assistance with unprecedented swiftness and intensity started over 70 years
ago, when Earth cried out for help to keep her weakened planetary body alive.
By God’s authorization, civilizations responded with a massive infusion of
light to prevent the planet spinning out of orbit and certain death. Of course
the in-pouring of light was available to all of Earth’s residents too, and
those who responded started generating their own light with greater
forcefulness. …
In addition
to beaming light to the planet, which will continue until it is well within
fourth density, various civilizations are using their technologies in a number
of ways in accordance with Earth’s desires. For instance, when the Illuminati
cause a geophysical event, the crews lay down an electromagnetic grid that
distributes earthquake or volcanic activity and lessens destruction and death
toll without reducing the amount of negativity released by those events. In the
case of Illuminati-created weather, the crews decrease the wind velocity of
violent storms and steer them away from heavily populated areas along
coastlines. [Note: That information was transmitted prior to the removal of
weather-manipulating scientists by space family members living among you.
Mother Nature is back in control of storms, earthquakes and wildfires, her
means of releasing negativity.]
the viruses called SARS, avian flu, swine flu and H1N1 that abruptly appeared
on the scene simultaneously with media hoopla that each disease, in turn, was
“feared to become a pandemic”? No pandemic happened because members of our
universal family neutralized those laboratory-designed viruses, thus dooming
the dark ones’ double intent for developing them—genuine pandemics with great
loss of life and global chaos and fear.
Crews in
your skies, who are there by the thousands and thousands, are using their
technologies to reduce as much as possible the radiation from Japan’s damaged
nuclear reactors, and they rendered less harmful to marine life the oil that
kept gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. They are ameliorating the toxic effects
of weaponry and other pollutants, and a civilization appearing as cloud
formations is leading the way in cleansing Earth’s atmosphere.
important as all those kinds of assistance are, perhaps the most significant
help since “9/11” has been preventing the Illuminati from using nuclear
warheads to mount similarly devastating terrorist attacks. A dozen or so attempts have been thwarted by
rendering the warheads impotent, sometimes in combination with missile
malfunctions. This is not a violation of
Creator’s law of free will—it is honoring Earth’s free will choice that there
will be no more terrorism like “9/11.”
Some of the
strongest, most experienced light beings in this universe are right there among
you, working behind the scenes to guide the essential changes so that as many
of Earth’s residents who choose to accompany her into the higher planes can do
so. This is how universally beloved and significant Earth is and how beloved
and important YOU are! …
volunteers from spiritually evolved civilizations took on human bodies so they
could live and work among you undetected.
Although they recognize each other from the distinctive auras that
reflect their souls’ evolutionary station, only a few of you are sufficiently
energy-sensitive to see them as different from anyone else.
The purpose
of their presence derives from their superior intelligence that gives them
entry into fields where they can beneficially influence actions and activities
during this crucial time of Earth’s transition process.
What these
benevolent visitors are doing is not a rarity in the universe—souls continue
evolving through service to lesser developed civilizations. As you continue to grow spiritually and
intellectually, eventually you will be willing and able to help enlighten and
uplift lesser evolved souls.
Thank you,
Mother. Now let us speak again about
negativity for a moment. Some time ago we told you that the negativity that had
become deeply entrenched due to millennia of humankind’s brutality to each
other and the animals had been released. So, where is negativity coming from
now? As ever before, from the citizens
of Earth.
In previous
messages we have said that everything in existence is energy. We have spoken about the power of thoughts,
feelings, and written and spoken words, and we have stressed how crucial it is
to focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Also we have explained
why forgiveness and gratitude are so important. Evidence of these universal
truths is in the ancient practice of ho’oponopono, which ties them all together
into an “elixir of divine grace,” you might say.
accomplishment of Dr. Hew Len, formerly a psychologist at a hospital for the
criminally insane in Hawaii, is a stunning example of ho’oponopono’s efficacy.
Instead of seeing patients during the couple of years he was there, he stayed
in his office, sometimes looking at their files, and repeating over and over
and over “I’m sorry. Please forgive
me. I love you. Thank you.” By his
accepting responsibility for the patients’ status—in essence, acknowledging the
inseparable connection of all souls and that whatever one does affects all
others—they started improving and continued until they were healed and
remarkable proof of the power of thoughts and feelings can be enlightening and
inspiring to everyone. Sharing that story along with feeling grateful for our
universal family’s diligence, assistance and unconditional love will speed the
day when life in your world is peaceful and harmonious.
Our beloved
family, we are with you every moment of your journey toward your rightful place
as citizens of this universe.
LOVE and