Matthew Ward
With loving
greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. A great deal is
happening energetically in your world as ever-increasing vibratory rates are
rapidly separating wheat from chaff, so to say. Typically,
Illuminati-controlled mainstream media are spreading the chaff via selective
and distorted coverage of “the news.” Although their former ability to
publicize only what they wanted you to know has been considerably weakened by
the speed of social media and Internet-disseminated videos and articles, be
keenly discerning about information from all sources, including the Internet.
To counter
the truthful information on that outlet, Illuminati minions are using it to ply
society with false information to keep fear and confusion front and center on
the world stage. Trusting your intuition as to what is truth and what is not
lets you “go behind the backdrop” of the play that’s unfolding on stage.
Knowing that it ends with Earth’s Golden Age in full bloom lets you observe
characters in their karmic roles and not get caught up in the oft-tumultuous
drama being played out.
Often we
have mentioned another aspect of heightening vibrations, the intensification of
characteristics and behavior, and mounting violence has evoked a number of
emails similar to this from a reader in Australia, who expressed concern about
the emergence of hostile gangs in her country: “Can you ask Matthew why there
is now so much violence with the young people.” Many young people around the
world feel angry, discouraged, even hopeless about their future. The reasons
may include poverty, lack of education and job skills, unemployment, broken
families, low status to which society has consigned them, governments that
ignore their needs, the state of the whole world, or a mix of those
circumstances. The young people whose lives have been thusly negatively
affected are acting out their intensified feelings by committing violent acts.
How we wish that all of those souls who are so dear to us could know that
beneficial changes are coming.
My mother
has been inundated with emails about Donald Trump from readers in the United States
and other countries. Although we are declining requests to speak about his
qualifications to be that country’s president—that is for the citizens to
assess—and we don’t know if he will be elected—the voters will decide who their
next president is to be—we do want to respond to some of the other questions
and comments.
“Is Trump
the anti-Christ?” No. Antichrist, like Armageddon, is only a concept, an idea.
Nevertheless, for people who believe that those concepts are real, there is an
antichrist, Armageddon is coming. However far from factual any idea may be, it
is the reality of those individuals who believe it is true. Belief creates
“I am very
distressed that Donald Trump has fueled the flames of bigotry and racism in
America. What is the enlightened view of all of this?” It is a sad truth that
bigotry and racism are alive and well in the United States, with one generation
teaching the next generation intolerance of differences—skin color, sexual
makeup, ancestry, religion, philosophies, ideologies. Some “intolerant”
individuals react to Mr. Trump’s remarks as evidence that they are entitled to
scorn and act aggressively toward “different” individuals.The “enlightened
view” of souls at this station is that all members of our Earth family are of
Creator’s pure love-light essence, and we love all unconditionally even as we
fervently wish that every soul in your world were loving, kind and respectful.
Someday, dear ones, all will be!
“Do you
think Donald Trump is responsible for his supporters’ aggressive behavior at
rallies?” Every person is responsible for his or her behavior. No one’s remarks
can motivate an individual to act in a manner that goes against the
individual’s values, principles and self-respect.
violence at Donald Trump’s big rallies is not my image of your country’s
democratic political system. What is going on?” Many citizens are angry about
conditions that they are blaming on the government and they want the changes
Mr. Trump is promising. The energy of anger precludes clear thought and sound
judgment, so his supporters don’t question how he will do what he says he
will—they want their anger to be given a public forum and he is providing that.
The large number of his staunch supporters at the rallies emboldens those who choose
to regard his aggressive-type rhetoric as their right to behave in that way
toward individuals who express disagreement with him. Our responses to the two
pervious questions also apply here.
Citizens of
all countries who feel that their governments are ignoring them want to be
heard, and a collective voice that long has been ignored sometimes leads to a
citizenry in violent revolt. As vibrations continue rising, resorting to
violence to obtain justness and fairness will end incrementally. To countries now
in foment, stability and calm will come with honest leaders who listen and
heed; homelessness and impoverishment will ease and eventually there will be
homes and financial sufficiency for everyone in your world. You who know you
are lightworkers and the millions who also are serving the light without that
understanding are ushering in Earth’s era of peace, love and abundance for all.
“How will
ascension affect the Walk-in souls? Will their ‘borrowed’ bodies change or will
they return to their own bodies? Some have been told their bodies are ‘in
stasis' in their 'home' world and some are aboard the Starship they walked in
from and will return to .” This needs a bit of explanation for readers who
aren’t familiar with the term “walk-in.” A soul in a spirit world enters into
an agreement with a soul that wants to leave its body that is exhausted from
dealing with physical and/or emotional conditions. The advantage is the age
benefit versus starting as a newborn and spending years growing into adulthood,
but picking up a life where another soul left off is not a picnic and
“walking-in” is rare; even rarer is a soul making such an agreement with a
child because the age advantage is lost. However, during this unique era
universally, a number of evolved souls have “walked-in” to assist in your
world’s transformation; usually their vibratory levels can heal the bodies and
calm the minds so that these individuals are able to carry out the missions
they undertook.
When the
mission is completed, the soul will decide what to do next: Continue living on
Earth until physical death, then enter Nirvana for a full spirit lifetime;
vacation in that beauteous spirit world while planning the next lifetime; or
return directly to its original homeland or a starship, if that is where it had
been living prior to entering the Earth body. We add that all souls have the
innate capacity to dematerialize, then rematerialize a body or manifest a new
one, but only evolved souls know they have this ability and use it.
never seems to address what will happen as ascension progresses with health
conditions of lightworkers and even our pets. Is it a matter of seeing yourself
whole again?” We thank this reader who reminded us that it is time to revisit
and add to what we have said previously about health, but first we say that
visualization is a powerful tool indeed, but everyone seeing themselves as
“whole again” is not enough to make it so.
We hasten
to add that never is a perfect body a requirement for personal ascension;
however, reaction to a compromised health status does influence the ascension
process. Let us say that a person with a chronic illness chose that experience
to learn compassion and patience, which in another lifetime the person lacked
with people who were ill or had limited mobility or mental acumen. If the
lesson chosen is a lesson learned, there is advancement in conscious and
spiritual awareness—the goal of every soul in every lifetime. Conversely, if
the person is consumed by self-pity, continuously complains and is demanding of
attention, the lesson has to be repeated in another lifetime. As a reminder,
what you call “reincarnation” is not the return of a person who lived
previously, but rather a “new” soul whose personage is designed for the
physical lifetime chosen by the cumulative soul. [This is explained in the
February 3, 2014 message. ]
Thank you,
Mother, for adding that note. Now then, bodies becoming “whole”—all diseases
cured; missing limbs re-grown; healthy new teeth, bones, joints and organs
replacing artificial substitutes or mechanical support—will happen individually
as a process, not an instantaneous feat. Along with one’s pace of absorbing the
light that transforms carbon-based cellular structure into crystalline and
belief that those physical transformations are a reality, soul contract choices
It is
likely that elderly persons who have any of the aforementioned conditions chose
them along with transitioning to spirit life before radiant health and complete
natural bodies are commonplace in your world. Soul contract provisions apply
equally to youngsters; they may have chosen illness and transition at a young
age or to experience the illness or disability and later be healed. As stated
in prior messages, pre-birth agreements give opportunities for spiritual growth
to all souls sharing the lifetime, and individual contracts are designed
The health
of lightworkers depends upon the degree to which cellular structure has become
sufficiently crystalline to protect immune systems from the toxins in air, soil
and water and chemically-laden foods and medications that make bodies
susceptible to mental, emotional and physical disorders. However, the root
cause of all dis-ease is stress. Stress throws body systems out of balance and
attacks the most vulnerable parts, and reducing stress can help to improve
health and uplift spirits.
important is the self-restoration that solitude offers. A world at peace begins
with individuals’ attaining peace within, and the high vibrations of love,
forgiveness, compassion and respect for others begins with the same for Self.
Honoring Self also is recognizing and feeling grateful for the goodness in your
life and not giving energy to rage, resentment, jealousy, pettiness or
apprehension about “what-ifs.” Recreation— re -creation!—is important. Perhaps
read, listen to your favorite music, write, do jigsaw or crossword puzzles,
needlework, sculpting or any other form of artistic expression; and for more
active, outdoor recreation, perhaps jogging, biking, hiking, skating, skiing or
If you
can’t avoid encounters that experience tells you may be unpleasant, go into
them calmly, confidently, and be amenable to seeing others’ perspectives. That
doesn’t mean foregoing your ideas or principles, but rather presenting a
demeanor that can evoke a reasonable discussion instead of a stubborn standoff.
Set priorities so that at day’s end, you have the fulfilling feeling of
accomplishment. When a day turns out to be a “downer,” think how you can do
things differently to achieve more satisfying results the next time, and go to
bed with your mind at peace.
It is
important to get sufficient sleep, eat nutritional foods, drink a lot of water,
exercise body and mind, and spend time with Nature. Whenever you can, walkin a
park or forest or along a mountain trail, walk barefooted on a sandy beach or
grass, put your hands in the soil when you plant flowers and vegetables. If you
can have a pet, adopt one or more from a shelter—the gratitude of animals who
live with caring persons brings high vibrations into the home.
deep breathing, yoga, aromatherapy and massage also are excellent means of
reducing stress. Volunteering in community activities such as hospice, animal
shelters, school programs and aid to the homeless uplifts your life as you
uplift the lives of others. Smiles and laughter lighten not only your heart,
but the hearts of persons with you. Visit friends; go to art galleries,
museums, movies, sporting events.
In short,
take time to do whatever imparts a sense of worthiness, is relaxing, enjoyable
and a respite from daily responsibilities. You have the saying, “Dance as if no
one is watching”—yes! Our suggestions are not much different from your
healthcare professionals’, but let them be helpful reminders to love self, take
care of self. And, remember that God’s emissaries always are with you. Ask for
help and it shall be lovingly given—it may not be what you asked for, but it
will be what you need.
Your pets
are multidimensional souls just as people are. Most of humankind don’t know
this about themselves, much less about animals; animals do know, and they know
there is no such thing as death. They remember their visits in Nirvana during
sleep state and how young, healthy and active they are there. If your pets
could tell you what they want, it would be to go there and stay rather than
enduring pain and debilitation. When your pets’ quality of life has diminished
to that state, please know that they are thankful when you make the
heart-wrenching decision to mercifully end their suffering. When your time to
transition comes, the energy of the love bond between you and your pets will
reunite you.
We honor
you, our beloved brothers and sisters, and with unconditional love we accompany
you all along your Earth journey.
LOVE and