This live
channelling was Given in Melbourne, Australia March 18, 2012
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Lee Carroll |
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it,
which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy
this enhanced message given in Melbourne, Australia 2012.
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The family before me is known and I
will say it yet again, that there is no mystery about who sits here and who may
be listening or eventually who may be reading. It comes together in a timeless
state, which is not the reality that you share at this moment. It's a reality
that I have of a timeless place in a quantum state filled with the potentials
of those I know who will hear and read this message. So, although it may seem
for you in the room to be now, it is all now for me.
I wish I
could take you back several thousand years. Slowly, as the time goes backwards,
the buildings would disappear and everything would be reduced to dirt, and the
indigenous would show themselves. If you took a look at what the indigenous
were doing then, they had two things that they emphasized and two things that
occupied all that was important to them. The first was the honoring of their
ancestors, and the second was the honoring of Gaia.
energies of the indigenous were focused on the land, but not just a land that
would give them water or food, but the actual energy of the dirt of the earth.
Many of you know of what I speak if you have studied their lives. It is no
different from the indigenous all over Earth, for this was intuitive that Gaia
is the energy of what you would call Mother Earth, and it was aligned with
humanity in a society that was not nearly as complex as yours is now. Instead,
they experienced the overwhelming energies of being in alliance with the planet
and with those ancestors who had gone before.
I tell you
this because the object of the lesson this day is how that alliance is still
alive and changing. You may not see as they did, but the alliance is still
there and it's there in ways that are mysterious to you. I'm going to help
clear this up, and describe the system and how it all works. So do not be
shocked or surprised if I start at the molecular level of the Human Being. I
have to, for therein lie the mysteries.
Connection Between Gaia and the Human
Here is the
premise, dear ones: "As goes consciousness, goes Gaia. As goes Gaia, goes
DNA." There is a partnership involved that is more than you think. The
indigenous did not pray for rain. They did not pray for good crops and did not
worship any deity. In their reality, they felt the planet and they knew that it
was part of them. It was all there was. So they were always one with the
planet, and the appearance of rain and crops were an alliance with Gaia, and
they used ceremonies of alignment, not prayers of asking. If they didn't get
what they wanted, they knew they were out of alignment. You are missing that
attribute today, but the process of this alignment is still alive and it still
Let us
speak of DNA yet again. The DNA molecule sits there and is unique. It is unique
to all things, for there is a complement of divinity in it that the animals do
not have. There are certain animals that have so many things - there are even
animals designed to reincarnate, specific ones that do so for you as Humans.
Yet they do not have souls as you, and they do not have the divine spark that
you do. Their cycle is a cycle of love to support you.
Reincarnation of Pets - A Gaia System
I speak now
of something that I rarely speak of and you should know this: All of the
systems of the planet revolve around you. This is a support system for Human
Beings to make their lives easier and better as Gaia responds to what they give
it. If you love an animal, you probably are aware that the animal's life is
short - too short. Let me give you some information, and if you believe that
this channelling is real, then believe this: Those animals that you fall in
love with will come back to you. The very soul continues the love affair and,
if you want to, it is there for you to find again - and that is a compassionate
support system that honors that divinity inside a Human. Did you know that in
your DNA is a quantum attribute that we have discussed for many years? My
partner spoke of it just yesterday.
DNA Has a
Quantum Field
Science is
starting to see that it is it possible that the DNA molecule has attributes
that actually give information to the spin of quantum structure in the
Universe. So this means that DNA is a quantum engine. But now I wish to expand
that picture for you, for DNA does not sit alone. It is a family, and in the
Human body that family is more than 100 trillion strong in one Human Being. But
you have the puzzle before you that science has never even looked at: How does
DNA all "know" together? At the moment, science does not even see the
need to study communication between DNA molecules. They haven't seen the field
yet; they haven't seen the structure yet; and they haven't seen the shadows
yet. [From Lee: The "shadows of the atom" were discovered one month
after this channelling.]
DNA must
work together in the Human body for the intelligence of what we call the innate
of the Human body to function. All of DNA must work as one. From the top of
your head to your toes, these molecules must act as one set of instructions.
This is unique information, and there is no other Human Being on the planet
that has your DNA. Therefore, you must acknowledge that there is something that
must happen within your body that connects all DNA together. Otherwise, you
could not function.
There must
be communication between DNA molecules. This is where the genes are produced,
and this is where the information is that is your Higher-Self. This is the
Akashic Record and it must all vibrate together as one, trillions of parts as
one. So we say it to you, for physicists to see, and for them to understand
finally that the Human Being has DNA that is in an entangled state (*). That is to
say it is locked into one state and the parts behave as one.
Entangled DNA of the Human Body
There is an
attribute of physics that has not been seen or discussed yet and I give it here
for the first time so you will understand a little bit more about how it works.
But more than that, when it is discovered you will remember where you heard it.
If you have multiple quantum fields around molecules, that means that they must
overlap. So the fields overlap one another and you already have the science
that shows you what happens - multiple overlapping magnetic fields occur.
Magnetics is a quantum energy, so the results of the DNA are similar. There's
magic that takes place, which even science does not understand, called
inductance. In your everyday life, you see this when you look at the magnetic
field of the sun, which is called the heliosphere (solar wind), interfering
with the magnetic field of the earth, which is the magnetic grid. You get
sparks! The Aurora Borealis. That is what happens when magnetic fields overlap.
In this state, information is transmitted, and in electronics this attribute is
well known and used every day.
Now, if you
were then to have not a magnetic field, but a quantum field around every
molecule, I will tell you that you don't get sparks, you get a designer entangled
state. Overlapping quantum fields are attributes that have not yet been
studied, recognized, or measured. When they do, they will see the mechanics of
an entangled state that then creates an overall field that is much larger
around the Human Being. What might be in that field around the Human Being,
which is measured at 8 meters wide? And, has it ever been seen? The answer is
yes! You'll find it in your scriptures, the old ones in Second Kings [Holy
Bible]. For again we say it was Elisha who saw the master Elijah ascend of his
own will, and on the ground his field glowed. It illuminated and he left the
planet in a bubble of light, a vehicle that took him. Elisha named the vehicle
(in Hebrew), which means "to ride." It became the Merkabah. So now
you have a name for it, and one that is recognized not only by the ancients in
spiritual lands, but also to this day by those who see it with second sight. It
is the quantum field of the Human Being - the Merkabah.
So the
Merkabah is really a quantum field, and this field is filled with information.
The information that it is filled with seems to be non-structured to you, but
it actually is quite structured as we see it. It is the matrix of the templates
of the Human Being himself, and it is ready and waiting to be altered by
another quantum field, and that field is called consciousness. Now I haven't
mentioned Gaia yet, have I? All of this is leading up to tell you something
that I have only hinted at before on how it works.
So there
sits the Human Being with all of this intact, which you can't see, that we just
tell you about. Intangible, unmeasurable things are laughed at by science.
Fields around humans? Next time a scientist starts to walk away from you, ask
him for his compassion meter or his anxiety meter or his love meter. What? He
doesn't have one? Does that mean none of those chemistry-altering emotions
exist? No. Not only do they exist, but yes, they also can be measured, but not
yet. Perhaps in the near future, the "what can't be measured, can't
exist" paradigm will change.
The Human
Quantum Field and the Innate System
every single Human Being is a beautiful field that some have even called magic,
for in this field is your Akashic Record, and even the attributes of your
Higher-Self (soul). It echoes what's inside the DNA molecule itself, and if you
had quantum eyes you could look at a Human and read who they were, and who they
used to be, and what their issues are. You would see what we would call the
innate of the Human Being, the very intelligence of cellular structure. There
are those in the room who have that sight, and they are what you would call
medical intuitives, past life readers, and more. Healers in this room depend
upon this second sight, and they see it around the Human Being. It is no
mystery. It's not magic; it's science. I still haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have
I? I'm getting there.
The innate
of the Human Being is the bridge between the intelligence of your cellular
structure (and your DNA) and your 3D Human consciousness. There are those in
the room that practice something called kinesiology. Now, kinesiology is a way
to talk to innate. The Human Being is smart, but oddly enough, still not smart
enough to know what is going on in his own body. We have said it before, and
it's a mystery, isn't it? You can have a disease growing in your body right
now, yet you're just smiling and having no idea about it until it hurts. Isn't
that odd? But innate knows it at the outset.
You might
have to use muscle testing (kinesiology) in order to find out what you're
allergic to or what's going on in your system - a yes or no process. Isn't it
interesting that you have to go through that process to discover what is
happening in your own body? So you might say to yourself, "Maybe something
is missing? We should be able to know what is happening in our own cellular
structure!" You'd be right. Indeed, there should be a bridge between all
that information, which is quantum, and your consciousness. You'd be right. I
haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? And here's where it gets good.
Gaia Energy
is Driven by Humanity
cooperates with humanity. Gaia is always measuring the attributes of group
humanity. When there were only a few Human Beings on the planet and when they
were in touch with Gaia, Gaia responded. So did your DNA. It took its cue from
Gaia in how well it worked. DNA, which is the blueprint of a Human, is designed
to work with Gaia, and Gaia is designed to be reactive to Human consciousness.
They are a closed system, and one always affects the other.
DNA is
designed to give the Human Being a very long life and is also designed for full
rejuvenation and self-healing. DNA is designed so that the bridge between you
and the innate is always there. Yet that's not the way it is, is it? You've
heard of those Human Beings of old who lived a great distance of years? Was
that a misprint in scripture? No. So what allowed some Human Beings to actually
have more health years back then than now? Was that true about their ages? I
will tell you: Yes, it was, and here's why. The field around you and others is
so aligned with Gaia that you cooperate and shift according to one another.
It's what the ancients knew, and it is why they were one with the planet. This
is something that you are going to start discovering as well.
Gaia takes
its cue from Human consciousness for the energy to create on the planet. We
have told you that for 22 years. It also goes the other way, for your DNA as a
whole responds to something called the Crystalline Grid of the planet. It's an
esoteric "memory grid" and is the stored energy and events of humanity.
We've given you teachings about the Crystalline Grid before, but you might say
it is a shell around the dirt of the earth that is not seen but that holds all
of the energies and history of anyone who has ever lived on the planet. When
you are born, and at your first breath, the quantum field of your humanness
looks at the Crystalline Grid and adjusts its efficiency for the energy of the
planet. This energy is what humanity has been created in in the time it has
been here.
Right now,
the energy on this planet is filled with millenniums of war, old energy
fighting, machismo, and intolerance. This, then, is what the DNA adjusts to at
your birth. Whereas you are designed for 100 percent DNA efficiency, right now
it's at 30 percent. And that, dear one, is what is changing, for the DNA is now
starting to operate at a higher efficiency because there's a consciousness
shift going on. You're seeing it first, of course, with the ones who are
currently being born. At their first breath, they're now at 35 percent, and
this translates into a Human Being that is far more aware and more conceptual
at a far earlier age. It's almost as though they have an instinctual awareness
of overall Humanism, instead of having to learn it all over again, as you did.
We have told
you about these new children, and that is why your children are so unusual and
you know they are. Many in the audience who have grandchildren are really
seeing it; the kids are different. So you might say, "Well it's too bad
that we can't do that ourselves, raise our DNA efficiency." Well, you can!
For the energy of the planet is alert and ready to send the signal to the old
soul who starts to understand that they can change their own fields through the
templates that float in them, through consciousness, pure intent, and through
that which is compassion. You can change the quantum "print" of DNA
with compassion! We have said that from the beginning, so let me summarize this
in simple words that are not scientific. Go slow, my partner. Make this
succinct. [Kryon talking to Lee]
Adjustment to New Gaia Energy
You're DNA
adjusts itself for what has happened on the earth when you're born. It has
created a reality for you that you call Human Nature. The earth changes, the
Crystalline Grid is actually lifting the veil slightly, and your DNA is
starting to respond. The first response will be seen within your children, and
they are already coming in with a different conceptual Human attribute. They
don't think in the same linear fashion you do. Have you noticed?
This is
going to change more and more as time goes by. Eventually, there will be a much
more efficient DNA that creates the missing bridge between the innate and the
normal Human brain. That means that you will have more intuitive thoughts about
what is wrong and right within your own cellular structure. Some of you will
discover different eating habits for the first time, and you'll be tuned in to
a cellular structure that says, "If I will change this and that, I'm going
to live longer." The result will be instinctive eating changes that have
no explanation. Innate is starting to communicate.
Habits that
you've had for years will start to drop away because your cellular structure
will start to help you eliminate them, knowing they don't suit you. Don't be
surprised if one of them is overeating and metabolic adjustments to bring your
body weight into line without the discomfort of extreme diets. Others are the
dropping of substances that you are addicted to, and within that process, an
allowance that lets you live much longer.
You will
see regeneration of cellular structure that will surprise you. You'll heal
faster and you'll know it. You'll start to see a situation where you're less
sick than you've ever been in your life. The prevailing 3D wisdom will tell
you, "Well, you're older now, so you're going to get sick more." But
you won't, and you'll know that something is changing. So what we're saying to
you, dear ones, is that you can have the same things that the youngsters have.
You will now slowly awaken to a new energy on this planet, which will allow you
to live longer. Your DNA is going to start cooperating in a more efficient way.
35 percent? Perhaps even 40 percent, old soul? It's on its way to something far
The prophet
Elijah, Jesus, the master Christ, Budda, Mohammad, Paramahansa Yogananda, and
many more had DNA working at 90 to 100 percent. All of them chose the way they
wished to use it, and you could see it in them and feel it in them. The prophet
Elijah chose to leave the planet through an ascended status of his own design
and choosing. That's how powerful it is. Jesus the Christ decided to do the
same thing in his own way, for the reasons that made sense for those around
him, whose DNA was working poorly.
There are
energies within the Human Being that are catalysts to enlightenment. One of
them is compassion, and you felt it this day, did you not? [speaking of the
earlier presentation of the 33 miners story in Chile] It touched your heart. So
what would you say was the energy in the room, and what color was it, and how
thick was it? Well, many of you would say there was no color at all. Some might
ask, "What do you mean by thick, Kryon?"
As you sat
there in the chairs, energy sat upon you and you felt your hearts squeezed a
little bit. You had empathy for those who got their lives back, and you saw the
hearts of relatives filled up to the point of weeping in joy. This is what I
speak of - something invisible and yet "thick" with emotion. It is
profound what you can create around you that will change lives in the room.
Gaia knows you, and every compassionate moment is recorded.
Some of you
have come for healing this weekend and I know this. So this would be a very
good time to receive it. Those readings are no different, and perhaps you are
in the chair for this reason also? There is an entourage here; there is
compassion here; there is profundity of old souls here; this is a quantum soup
of opportunity, dear one. Why don't you claim it right now - that you're going
to rise from that chair of yours and have the seeds planted within you, by your
own choice, for the health that you've asked for? Claim the beginning of the
healing that you know has always been available, for you are starting to be in
touch with the intelligence of your own Merkabah.
organizations are filled with miracles. Hospitals are seeing documented results
of that which is called spontaneous remission. This is where, suddenly,
cellular structure does something that science cannot begin to explain. A total
remission of disease occurs, sometimes almost overnight. But I'll tell you what
it is: It's DNA temporarily going 100 percent for a moment and cleaning the
body of disease. You've seen it, but you just didn't know what it was.
So why
don't you do it right now? If you can imagine it, then you can have it. See
yourself with pure cellular health. It serves the earth, dear Human Being, for
you to live longer than you think you're going to live. We need your light. So
why not do it now?
Let all of
those in the room join in compassionate consciousness right now in a quantum
state that is entangled with all those here and reading, sending the compassion
of healing to the ones who need it without even knowing their faces or their
names. It's beautiful. Some day you'll see what the ceremony of Human Beings
together can do when you all walk out healed! Why not? When you can go to a
meeting for half a day and come out younger than you've been - why not? Then
you'll start to see all of what I have said today is accurate and true. It is
against all logic of prevailing scientific thought, but well within the purview
of the love of god.
We leave
this place and yet we don't. There'll never be a meeting like this again, with
this exact number of souls, with the names that you have, with the Akash you
have, so it's a unique meeting much like you are unique. Go from this place
different than you came, and know that Kryon does not exist within the Human
Being who is sitting on this stage.
exists in the quantum soup that is God and that walks out with you if you
choose. If you choose.
And so it is.
(*) Entanglement
is an attribute of quantum physics that is just now being seen and explored at
a macro level. Some kinds of entanglement create "quantum locking"
and some do not. In the case of DNA, the information is "locked"
between DNA molecules through the quantum attributes of the field.
Related Articles:
"Recalibration of Gaia"– Mar 18, 2012 (Voice message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll)
More of human DNA is active than was thought
More of human DNA is active than was thought
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